Wiazar System is an authorised manufacturer of prefabricated solid wood roofing constructions joined in MiTek system using nail plates. We are the first company seated in Opolskie district to provide roofing manufactured using this system. The company has been operating since 2008, combining nearly 25 years of experience of its owners in sawmill industry, wood processing and wood construction engineering.
- The company’s headquarters is located in Krzywiczyny in the Opole region, where the production facility and the design studio are located.
- As the company was rapidly growing, regional design branches were formed: in Bytom in 2012 and in Wroclaw and Legnica in 2014. Their objective is to make customer service faster and more professional.
- In 2019, we launched a new factory for the production of prefabricated elements and frame houses in the RK HAUS System in Wiechlice in the Szprotawa commune.
Truss System has over 25 years of experience
co-owners in the sawmill, woodworking industries
and wooden structure design.